Warning: Foreign Hackers Compromised Citrix Systems

Citrix said the FBI warned them on Wednesday, March 6th that hackers compromised its IT systems and stole “business documents.” Citrix doesn’t know precisely which documents the hackers obtained nor how they got in. It’s suspected that this is a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign supported by a nation-state. The consequences of the Citrix security incident could affect a broader range of targets, as the company holds sensitive data for […]

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How To Limit What Others See From Your Browsing History

If you’re like most people, you’ve got valid concerns about your personal privacy while browsing the internet. After all, Facebook and other organizations with a huge online presence have recently been caught dropping the ball regarding protecting the privacy of their users, so it’s only natural to wonder if your privacy is being further compromised […]

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Spring Forward This Sunday

Daylight Saving Time for 2019 starts on Sunday, March 10th. I’m sure you know how Daylight Saving Time (DST) works, but did you know not everyone in the US observes this time change? Arizona hasn’t observed DST since 1967, and Hawaii has never used DST. Michigan skipped DST from 1969 – 1973, while Florida is […]

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Solving The Top Concerns For CPAs: Downtime

Hello , Downtime is the “slow death” of the IT world. So many of us have grown accustomed to dealing with a little downtime here and there every day. Maybe it’s a faulty desktop machine that needs to be rebooted every hour on the hour. Maybe it’s a chronically slow server that only responds to […]

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Inside The Anatomy Of The Human Firewall

Each year, around 61% of small businesses become the victims of a malware attack. While many small businesses may think no one would ever come after them because of their size, know that over half of the total global attacks hit small businesses and, for thieves, getting access to your systems is becoming increasingly lucrative. We’re collecting […]

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Understanding the Value of Managed IT Services

Depending on their scope and impact on your workday, tech issues can take hours to resolve, if not days. In some cases, you may spend far too much time tracking down a problem, only to come up empty-handed in the end. In others, such as security breaches, you may not even know there is an […]

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