Will The New Apple iPad Replace Small Business Computers?

Did you know that the new iPad Pro sports more powerful features than most entry-level laptops in stores today? Yes, the iPad is powerful but can it replace a computer? Is the iPad a tablet or a computer? This is a question that has been asked repeatedly since the iPad Pro was first released in […]

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The Benefits of Layered Security and How It Can Improve Your Business

Professionals who specialize in cybersecurity realized long ago that there was no single way to protect a business from malicious attacks from hackers who were seeking to access their confidential information. While there are many different ways to protect your information, no one technique has ever been entirely successful. The key to providing the most […]

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7 Reasons Teachers Need Office 365

Teachers are always striving to provide the best education possible for their students while often operating within strict budget constraints. Office 365 provides an abundance of technology that is often free for educators. There are several reasons why teachers should use Office 365 in their classrooms.  1. Provides a Variety of Apps Office 365 […]

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4 Tech Outsourcing Chores Successful Businesses Are Delegating

It wasn’t long ago; most businesses believed outsourcing their IT was unnecessary. They could easily hire an individual, with some basic technical knowledge, to cover the day-to-day operations in-house. However, those chores have changed. With increased security threats, stiffer government regulations, ongoing technology training for employees, and the push towards augmented intelligence and machine learning, […]

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Intellectual Honesty: A Key Virtue for Crisis Response

In late 2000, Kirk Lippold was the captain of the U.S.S. Cole, an Aegis-class guided-missile destroyer. The Cole was severely damaged by terrorists who pulled alongside in a ship disguised as a garbage barge and set off a massive explosion. The Cole had a 40’ by 60’ hole ripped in its side; 17 sailors died, […]

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Happy Birthday USMC

Every year, the United States Marine Corps Birthday is celebrated with a cake-cutting ceremony and a traditional ball on November 10th. This event celebrates the establishment of the Continental Marines on November 10th, 1775. Many Marines have become to view November 10th, the birthday of the United States Marine Corps, as their second birthday. This […]

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And You Thought The Feds Were Secure…

There are many pieces to the massive Federal exchange that enrolls people for insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA, “Obamacare.”) One of them allows insurance brokers and agents to enroll potential beneficiaries directly. (This is different from the consumer-facing part of the exchange, where consumers can enroll themselves.) On October 13, 2018, the Centers […]

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Thank You Veterans!

World War I officially ended on June 28, 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. However, fighting ended seven months earlier due to an armistice on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end […]

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What You Need to Know About Free WiFi in New York Airports

As a seasoned business traveler, you already know that flying through JFK, Newark, or LaGuardia can be a bit challenging—even on a good day. Between dealing with security, flight delays, and hordes of obnoxious fellow passengers, what is supposed to be a smooth transition to your destination can easily turn into a mess of inconvenience […]

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How to Insert or Remove a Page Break in Microsoft Word 2016

Page breaks are incredibly useful when it comes to formatting your Microsoft Word documents so that they look exactly the way you want them to. The page breaks tool allows you to determine where a page begins and ends. Here is some information about how to insert and remove page breaks in Microsoft Word 2016 […]

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Everything You Need To Know Before You Install A VoIP Phone System

Phone systems might not be the most exciting entity, but they are a necessity for almost every business. Unfortunately, many business owners have dealt with phone system failures and the inevitable fallout that occurs when a major line of communications is down. With this in mind, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a new alternative […]

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Different Ways You Can Celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day

As a business owner, executive or manager, you may use a lawyer for many different reasons. You may need a lawyer to look over your business contracts, to help when you buy or sell a business, to help you with any tax issues that may arise or to help with any personal injury lawsuits that […]

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