Cybersecurity Awareness: A Thorn in the Flesh For Local Government Agencies

Local government agencies are concerned by the lack of cybersecurity awareness among government employees and end users. This was a shocking discovery learned from a poll conducted by the Public Technology Institute back in September 2017. The poll found that there were two major factors that were working as obstacles to better cybersecurity. The number […]

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Top 5 Business Challenges Facing Today’s Accounting Firms

Accounting, just like every other profession, is affected by our ever-changing world. The increase in technological advances alone can leave your head spinning.  Though technology endeavors to make work easier for everyone, it requires your full attention to keep up. However, technology is responsible for numerous positive changes in every field or industry. An accounting […]

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Technological Trends in the Public Sector for the Future

This article is an analysis of topics related to technology that topped the charts in 2017 and are still trending in 2018. No doubt, cybersecurity was a priority topic and many positive advancements were made there. The Internet of Things became a much more talked-about issue, mostly due to its vulnerabilities to hacking schemes. The […]

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11 New Apps your Business Could Benefit From Using

Most of us work with programs like Dropbox, Google Docs, and Microsoft every day. But there are a wide range of great software-as-a-service (SaaS) and cloud-based programs that can improve efficiency. We’ve found 11 programs that are sure to be a crowd favorite at your workplace. Though some are not new, they’ve recently been updated […]

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How Managed Networks Can Deliver Better Wi-Fi Service

It’s one thing for a business to have installed Wi-Fi networks, but it’s another thing to ensure that the equipment is and will continue to work properly. This means the network should be able to continue supporting the growing demands of a business. It should be able to upgrade automatically whenever necessary to provide the […]

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Remember Why We Celebrate Memorial Day

When we think of Memorial Day, we have visions of parades, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic in the park, or gathering with family and friends for a barbeque. But, as most of us know, this is a special day to honor military members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Many of […]

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Office 365 GDPR Compliance Manager

Compliance Manager Introduced by Microsoft, Compliance Manager is a data tracking system designed to ensure companies adhere to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Organizations can sign up for paid Compliance Manager or subscribe to a free Compliance Manager via Microsoft tools such as Microsoft Azure, Dynamic 365 or Microsoft Cloud Services. Microsoft recently released the […]

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This Ransomware Survival Guide will help your employees master the skills to prevent downloading or linking to malicious ransomware threats. It will help them recognize phishing emails, malicious links and what to do when they find them. It will help you protect your organization and: Prevent ransomware attacks. Ensure your employees can continue working after […]

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Reasons to Use a Managed Service Provider for Wireless Networking

Wireless networking has become a very important aspect of human life. The global marketplace has forced businesses to find new ways of reaching their customers in countries around the world. However, wireless networking isn’t just for business owners. Various people in every way of life rely on wireless networking for different reasons. Teenagers, young adults, […]

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Why Managed Detection and Response Is More Important Now Than Ever

Technology is constantly evolving, and so is its relevance. In the world today, technology is fast-becoming a human being’s best friend. Just think of the number of times that you rely on technology in a day’s time. Everyone, even the self-proclaimed analog dinosaur, depends on technology to some extent. Of course, this has spawned a […]

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Hacking Alert – An Employee Of Your Manufacturing Company May Be Sending Intellectual Property To a Criminal and Not Know It!

Your manufacturing company is in the crosshairs of hackers. Cyber-spies are using backdoor viruses to steal intellectual property from businesses like yours. According to Verizon’s 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, these cyber-spies are supported by nation states. 620 of data breaches hit the manufacturing sector last year, and 94% were committed by state-affiliated actors. 91% […]

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