Foundational Security and Advanced Security: Key Differences To Understand

Foundational Security and Advanced Security: Key Differences To Understand

With cyber-attacks happening daily, read this blog to learn why you need to utilize both foundational security and advanced security processes.  

Cybersecurity has been a big point of emphasis for many organizations recently. With serious cyber-attacks happening over the past few months, including worries about the malicious Iranian cyber activity, organizations are now paying closer attention to their cybersecurity strategies.

While most organizations have some basic measures in place when it comes to cybersecurity, there is often a need to improve and expand in this regard. And with the emerging cyber threats, we deal with today, it is very difficult for organizations to keep up the necessary protections.

Companies take different approaches when it comes to cybersecurity, but the most effective form of protection is to focus on building foundational cybersecurity defenses aimed at handling threats. However, in a world that is jam-packed full of security products, knowing what to use and how to use it can be a serious challenge.

Two approaches that many organizations seem very happy with our foundational security and advanced security. We’ll now dive into what these approaches involve and their key differences.

New Jersey Cybersecurity Services

Foundational Security

This refers to the basic functions that work to keep your organization’s information and data systems safe. The processes involved with this approach are said to be necessary, but this approach alone isn’t the complete strategy you need to be safeguarded from cyber threats. Foundational security controls typically include:

Automated Patch Management

This involves having a dedicated team that evaluates the updates your security systems need. These are then tested and applied system-wide, and it’s vital to ensure that these security measures are up-to-date.

Perimeter Security

One of the more popular types of perimeter security is a firewall. These walls help to protect your network from malicious or unauthorized activity.

Data Backups Management

In the event of a cybersecurity breach, you could lose tons of valuable data. That being said, you must have a backup process in place to protect the loss of this information.

Antispam/Antivirus Software

This control also works on your network to offer another layer of protection. It’s vital that this software is always updated to offer protection from the latest cybersecurity threats.

Advanced Security

Advanced security is the next step after your foundational security measures are in place. Advanced security processes are focused on tackling the more intricate and damaging cyber threats out there. Some of the common advanced security controls include:

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

An MDR is a very sophisticated threat hunting and incident response solution that is highly useful. Instead of taking days to investigate a cyberthreat, an MDR provides clear threat details in minutes.

Email Security

Email is the number one source for cyberattackers to do their damage. That being said, another key advanced security control is to work on processes to keep your email accounts safe. Some email security tactics include:

  • Closely inspect all incoming and outgoing mail
  • Encrypt outbound emails that contain sensitive info
  • Implement Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)
  • Implement Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)

Security Information Event Management (SIEM)

A SIEM is used to automatically collect and analyze the logs of your systems quickly and efficiently. These logs include logging data that can be populated from using network-connected devices like routers, servers, switches, and more. A SIEM quickly scans these and triggers an alert if suspicious activity is found.

Mobile Device Management

With the number of mobile devices in the workplace constantly increasing, this opens up many doors for cyber attackers. In addition, organizations are now letting more employees use their own mobile devices to access the corporate intranet, email, and more. While this may provide a high level of flexibility and convenience, it also provides some unwanted security risks.

Continuous Improvement is Key

According to Ross Filipek, Chief Information Security Officer, and Scott Shearouse, Director of Sales at Corsica Technologies, implementing both foundational and advanced security controls is key. But of course, they recommend first focusing on foundational processes before implementing advanced security tactics. This strategy allows your organization to build strong defenses initially, then work towards making them even stronger over time.


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