5 Important Questions to Ask When Interviewing IT Companies in NJ

IT Companies In NJ: Top 5 Questions

New Jersey IT Service CompaniesIf you are going to commit your IT provider to manage and protect your company’s most critical data, then you need to find a provider you can trust. Beyond the savvy marketing and engaging hype, an IT company must have the knowledge, tools, and capabilities to keep your company secure while providing scalable technology solutions that meet the modern demands of your industry.

You can start by asking the right questions that get to the heart of the matter. Of all the IT companies in NJ, which can provide the answers to your questions and then back them up with exceptional products and services? Let’s take a closer look at the questions you should ask and the answers you should be looking for.

Here are the top 5 questions when selecting IT companies in NJ.

1. What are your IT industry credentials?

A company’s credentials include more than just the paper certificates on the wall. Therefore, when considering how qualified an IT company is to manage your technology, look at the entire profile.

  • Education
  • Certification
  • History & Experience
  • Customer references & testimonials
  • Portfolio & track record
  • Reputation in the industry

In regards to certification, you want to absolutely make sure that your chosen managed service provider has a rigid certification program for all their techs, explains Paul Cissel, CEO of Internet & Telephone in Massachusetts.  The techs are at a minimum network certified, PC certified, and then certified on any of the software and hardware that they’re going to be working on your site.

What are some of the most well-respected certifications in the IT industry?

  • Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
  • Six Sigma Green Belt
  • Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH)
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
  • Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • AWS Certified Developer

By earning these or other types of IT certifications, professionals have demonstrated steadfast dedication to their craft and unparalleled respect for their industry. They are experts in managing, advising, and providing technology-based services across a broad spectrum of enterprise IT.

Beyond education and certification, a reputable IT company can display and demonstrate consistent growth and success over time. The IT company’s entire team is made up of seasoned technicians who have built a sizable portfolio complete with peer-reviewed praise, customer references, & past projects.

When you complete a company interview, you should feel confident that the IT company can deliver superior IT products and services.

2. Do you provide IT solutions that work for our company?

IT providers that garner the highest level of respect from clients are, at their core, innovators, not just problem solvers. By innovators, we mean that their primary focus is to utilize technology in a way that helps your business grow and improves your organizational processes.

Every tech-related issue that arises within your company presents an opportunity to boost your business performance on all levels. Whether you are looking for ways to connect with your customers or further your company’s digital transformation, your IT consultant should possess the flexibility, skill, partnerships, and tools necessary to deploy and procure any and all applicable products and services.

The term, IT Managed Services, implies that your service provider will handle all issues without putting you in a position to find them yourself, including finding ways to save money.

3. How do you ensure my company’s security?

According to a recent University of Maryland studycyberattacks occur every 39 seconds. While major corporations always grab the headlines, 43% of cyber-attacks are against small businesses. Small and large companies alike will spend up to $160 million on cyber-attacks per company.

Therefore, it can’t be overstated that no element of your company’s sustainable success is more vital than keeping your employees, your customers, and your data secure. Therefore, tech security should be your IT company’s top priority.

The most complex IT configurations with the most advanced equipment and software in the industry are likely to fall prey to the most significant security threats and challenges possible. So, when something goes wrong  and it probably will  your IT team must be ready to act. A capable IT manager will provide both preventative and responsive measures to all security threats that could hurt your company’s reputation or any stakeholders.

An IT company should offer several or all of these following services to keep your company safe:

  • Network monitoring
  • Ransomware protection
  • Managed IT services
  • Cloud technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data backup & disaster recovery
  • Server support

4. Do you provide strategies that help my business grow?

IT managed services providers approach every company they work with as a partner, not just a client. As the partnership develops, so do the opportunities for business growth. Therefore, the company enters into every new challenge with a strategy to help expand your company.

An IT company will provide a designated manager who oversees your account, addresses your concerns, fields your ideas, and answers your questions. The manager has a vested interest in your company because your success equates their success.

Chris Messer, senior vice president of technology at Coretelligent drives this point home,

Understanding an IT service provider’s core competencies is key, but knowing the individual team members you’ll be working with is equally important. You want to work with individuals who are familiar with your organization’s industry-specific challenges and really understand your business and its short- and long-term goals.

5. What do IT Companies in NJ charge for & how much?

As a business owner, you need to view IT support as a significant investment in your business. However, it is also an expenditure that you have to account for in your budget. Thus, your IT provider must also account for all products and services that they charge.

Companies must itemize all costs with honesty and transparency. What will your service provider offer, how much will it cost, and how often? Are there any unexpected charges or hidden fees? Will all services products appear on a monthly invoice that you can review at will?

IT Companies in New Jersey

Picking Your Next IT Company In NJ

If you are a business in New Jersey or New York and you need IT consulting & support, then contact Techsperts Business Technology Solutions. We offer comprehensive IT services and products for all types of businesses. Call us at (201) 262-5066 or email us at info@techspertsllc.com now to get started with managed IT services. We’re the preferred choice for IT services in New Jersey & New York and surrounding areas.


  • Joe Cannata

    Having a reliable and enthusiastic partner in the realm of IT services and solutions is essential for achieving continuous growth by implementing effective technological strategies. Our owner, Joe Cannata, is wholeheartedly dedicated to helping clients optimize their technology to gain a competitive edge in their industries. At Techsperts, Joe leads a team of highly dedicated professionals who are fully committed to providing exceptional IT services and solutions. With his extensive expertise and hands-on experience, Joe ensures that clients receive unparalleled support and guidance for their IT projects. You can trust Techsperts to elevate your business systems and remain at the forefront in today's fiercely competitive business landscape.

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