How Long Can Laptops Run In A New Jersey Business

While laptops have been around since the ’80s, it wasn’t until the turn of the millennium that businesses started considering them as a perfect substitute for desktops at the workplace. Today’s laptops are lightweight for portability and feature ultra-slim designs ideal for even the smallest office spaces. If your workers use laptops, you could probably wonder how long they should last. This blog focuses on the factors contributing to laptops’ lifespan and how long you should expect them to last.

Factors That Determine the Lifespan of a Laptop

Type of hardware and the price

One of the integral factors determining a laptop’s lifespan is its hardware. Hardware comprises the processors, graphics card, RAM, and storage sizes. The better the processor and graphics card, the longer your laptop is likely to last. Similarly, the more RAM and storage your laptop has, the longer it will remain relevant for modern demanding tasks.

Unfortunately, the only way you can get better hardware is by spending more. Researchers reveal a strong correlation between how much you spend and how long the laptop will last. The following is a general breakdown of the lifespan of a laptop based on the price you pay for it:

  • Less than $700- 2 to 4 years
  • Between $700-1000- 5 years
  • Over $1,000- up to 7 years

In essence, the more you spend on a laptop, the higher the likelihood of getting better features, longer charge uptime, and more life out of your device.

Type of tasks

How you use your laptop will also determine how long it will last. Using a standard laptop on demanding tasks such as gaming, video editing, graphics design, and more will likely shorten its lifespan. On the other hand, the less demanding tasks such as email, web browsing, watching videos, and more can guarantee a longer lifespan. The rule of thumb is never to use consumer laptops on heavy gaming, video editing, and graphic design. Using your laptop only for the ideal tasks it was made to handle can be one way to exceed their average lifespan.

The level of care

How you handle your laptop also goes a long way in determining its lifespan. If you are careless with your laptop, it will inevitably experience more damage, both outside and inside. Notably, spilling liquids on keyboards remains a leading cause of damage to laptops. Additionally, food crumbs can also sink down the keys and cause damage. No matter how convenient it seems, avoid eating snacks or taking beverages directly over your keyboard. You should also try as much as possible to minimize the risk of dropping your laptop while in transit. Whenever you need to move with your laptop, ensure it is inside a protective bag or case. When you are not using it, ensure it is placed safely in its shell. Taking good care of your laptop can help extend its lifespan, so you avoid costly replacements.

How to Increase a Laptop’s Lifespan

Apart from avoiding falls, bumps, spills and other typical causes of damage, there are a few other things that you should do to extend the lifespan of your laptop. These include:

  • Using the laptop in a well-ventilated area: Extreme internal and external temperatures can also damage your laptop. Limit your use of demanding tasks and try using your laptop in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a cooling mat to reduce the chances of overheating.
  • Clean your screen: It is also crucial to take care of your screen. Wipe it down regularly using approved chemicals and wipes. By properly taking care of the screen, you will ultimately succeed in increasing its lifespan.
  • Cut down programs and browser tabs: Limit the number of programs and browser tabs running simultaneously
  • Upgrade the OS, storage, memory and battery. You can also consider an external hard drive for storage, an SD card for memory, or a spare battery pack.
  • Unplug your laptop once it is fully charged
  • Turn off your laptop’s WiFi when you don’t need it
  • Reduce your screen brightness
  • Use headphones over the laptop’s speakers
  • Lower the amount of time before your screen times out

What Are the Signs Your Staff Needs New Laptops?

Have your staff had the same laptops for years, and you’re wondering whether it is time to get new ones? Well, the following are some of the signs to look out for:

  • Applications that take too long to load: If everything is starting to get slow with a laptop, it is time to upgrade. When simple applications take several minutes to open, consider buying a new laptop.
  • Battery problems: Battery issues are a leading sign of an aging laptop. If you have noticed a massive difference in how long your computer can stay without needing a charge, it could be an indicator or a problem related to aging.
  • Multitasking issues: If a laptop has difficulty running two or more applications simultaneously, it is time to upgrade. If you are having a challenge jumping between open applications, it is a signal your computer is nearing its death bed.
  • Slow start-up and shutdown: If it takes more time to boot up or shut down, it could be a signal you need an upgrade
  • Noisy computer fans: One of the first issues to signal an aging computer’s impending death is a fan that runs abnormally loud even when doing simple computing tasks.

So How Long Can a Business Laptop Last?

Considering all the factors discussed above, a mid-range laptop should last around 4-5 years. You can give or take a year or two, depending on the usage. At Techsperts LLC, we recommend you invest in a well-built business machine designed to support your specific business needs. A business laptop usually comes with a three-year warranty and offers more reliability than consumer laptops.

Do you live in New Jersey and need some computer assistance? Techsperts LLC offers various services, including managed IT services, help desk services, cyber security, cloud technologies, data backup, network security, and more. Our highly experienced IT team will ensure your onsite staff, remote workers, and everyone running laptops in your New Jersey business are well supported for better productivity. Contact us today to learn more about our solutions.


  • Joe Cannata

    Having a reliable and enthusiastic partner in the realm of IT services and solutions is essential for achieving continuous growth by implementing effective technological strategies. Our owner, Joe Cannata, is wholeheartedly dedicated to helping clients optimize their technology to gain a competitive edge in their industries. At Techsperts, Joe leads a team of highly dedicated professionals who are fully committed to providing exceptional IT services and solutions. With his extensive expertise and hands-on experience, Joe ensures that clients receive unparalleled support and guidance for their IT projects. You can trust Techsperts to elevate your business systems and remain at the forefront in today's fiercely competitive business landscape.

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