Revolutionize Your Company Schedule with Microsoft Staff Hub

New Office app is a scheduling game-changer for managers and employees If there’s one thorn in the side of every business, it’s mastering an efficient and functional schedule for the whole team. Between various levels of employees, diverse job types and differing time allotments, making a consistent and easy-to-access schedule can be a huge challenge. […]

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Tech Tip: Microsoft Excel & Power BI

Taking Data Visualization and Collaboration to the Next Level: Excel and Power BI Integration Data visualization tools are all about helping to make it easier for people to work with their data. An even more important aspect of data visualization is to be able to get real actionable insights into the data you’re working with. […]

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Glitch in Encryption Tools Gives Hackers Ability to Forge Digital Signatures

eFail flaw leaves encryption users on guard and encryption providers in ‘patch’ mode Security researchers announced this week that a significant flaw exists among popular encryption tools that are used for encrypting correspondence and digital signatures. Any and all email encryption services that use OpenPGP standard and rely on GnuPG to encrypt their data and […]

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Hmmmmm…What Is Yam Jam?

Yam Jam – The Virtual Town Hall Experience That Brings Your Organization Together If you are an avid user of Office 365 or have in some way expressed interest in Microsoft’s online environment, then you’re probably familiar with Yammer – the freemium enterprise social networking service that is used for private communication within organizations. Also, […]

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Sensitive Data Stolen From Naval Contractor By Chinese Hackers

Officials recently revealed that a data breach occurred involving a Navy Contractor where hackers working for the Chinese government gained access to highly sensitive data regarding submarine warfare. Included in the breach were top secret plans for the design of a supersonic anti-ship missile system that was to be used in U.S. submarines by the […]

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8 Surprising Reasons that Your Hotel Wi-Fi Could Mean Big Profits

Hotel Wi-fi- has always been an excellent way to bring in more traffic. Below are eight ways that having strong, reliable wi-fi can have a significant impact on your bottom line and why it’s one feature you shouldn’t skimp on. Wi-Fi seems to be a lifeline these days. There are apps in endless supply to […]

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Get Into the Flow Of Things… Automate Tasks and Eliminate Workflow Waste!

Cloud-based file storage is an amazing convenience, giving users the ability to access files from anywhere and share them with colleagues. When users have more than one cloud-based storage solution, needing the same files stored in each can be tedious and confusing – but not anymore! Technology is a wonderful thing; it’s given us electronic […]

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Do Your Employees Think Of Your Meetings As Nap Time?

Weekly leadership meetings can be boring for everyone involved. It can be difficult to get anything real, tangible or important accomplished – unless you have the right strategy put in place. The concept of the leadership meeting started out with the proper intentions. Entrepreneurs wanted a way to improve their leaders and inspire organic growth […]

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The Hottest New Self-Awareness Craze That You Need To Try

Sure, yoga teaches the flexibility that is key to adapting to your surroundings. But in practicing daily self-awareness, the saying “A team is only as good as its weakest player” is rarely truer than in the world of cybersecurity. How does your team stack up? Target knows. Sony knows. Ashley Madison definitely knows. That’s the […]

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What Are Code Signing SSL Certificates and Why Use Them?

The concept of Code Signing SSL Certificates includes protecting users against phony software and assuring that the software is not infected with a virus. Most reputable companies require this certificate before accepting a product and using it. In today’s world, it’s the safest method of guaranteeing that software has not been altered or compromised. Types of […]

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Microsoft Office 365 Service Trust Portal: What It Is and How It Works

Data protection and compliance is a major concern for organizations worldwide. With the introduction of the Service Trust Portal, organizations working to support or protect the privacy rights of individuals in Microsoft’s online environment can now rest easy. Defining the Service Trust Portal This is a one-stop shop for security, regulatory compliance, and privacy information […]

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