What Exactly Does A Managed IT Services Company Provide?

Running a business requires a great deal of focused attention. Unfortunately, when your technology team is spending a great deal of time dealing with login problems, software licensing, cybersecurity and more, it doesn’t leave a lot of time for growth activities and strategic thinking. As businesses grow, many organizations find that it makes sense to […]

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Are You Prepared For The End Of Windows 7?

Living in a technology era that sees device upgrades and new products on what seems like an almost weekly basis, it’s difficult to imagine that Windows 7 has remained in play since its release in 2009. According to Net Market Share’s December 2018 data, 40.86 percent were still using Windows 7 compared to a modest 36.37 percent engaged in […]

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Windows 7 Support Is Ending

  Did you know? Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 in January 2020. Beginning this April, Microsoft will start displaying pop-ups on all Windows 7 computers alerting the users that their support for Windows 7 will be ending. Don’t be alarmed.  Microsoft also did the same thing with Windows XP before shutting down their support […]

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5 Things You Need To Know About the End of Windows 7 Support

Windows 7 has had a great run, but Microsoft has decided that it’s finally time to retire the platform. Windows 7 isn’t being deprecated by customers as quickly as Windows would like, with more than 38% of all PCs still running the aging OS. It seems that businesses like to hang onto an operating system once it […]

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Effects of A Data Breach on Small Business

The information that no business owner or technology director wants to hear: there’s been a data breach. These chilling words can put your brain into overdrive, trying to triage the problem before you even know the full extent of the problem. What will be the impact on customers? On staff? On vendors? Is this simply […]

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Instagram Users: Fake Copyright Infringement Notices

There’s a new scam targeting highly-trafficked Instagram accounts, and anyone with several thousand followers on their account — including businesses and clients — are fair game to the fraudsters. The scheme masquerades as a false claim of copyright infringement, according to Kaspersky Labs, who first noticed the new way influential and popular users are being […]

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Bill Gates Reveals Top 5 Healthcare Technologies for 2019

After literally changing the world through technology, what does a retired billionaire Microsoft co-founder do for an encore? If his name is Bill Gates, he changes the world yet again. This time, Gates is exploring advanced cutting-edge technology to find healthcare solutions for the world’s most pressing issues. Serving as guest curator for the annual “10 […]

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Severe Ransomware Attack Hits Global Firm

Norsk Hydro just got hit with a major ransomware attack that took down their entire worldwide network. It happened this morning, Tuesday, March 19, 2019, and we wanted to share this with you. They experienced widespread system outages. This has been such a disaster that their aluminum production plants are now operating manually. All of […]

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New Threat Advisory: TrickBot (Warnings/Recommendations)

TrickBot is up to its tricks again. Once cyber experts get a handle on it, TrickBot releases new modules that advance its capabilities. Here’s what you need to know to protect your organization from TrickBot. Don’t Get Tricked By TrickBot TrickBot is up to its tricks again. Once cyber experts get a handle on it, […]

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How Composing Email On Multiple Devices Keeps Business Moving

Email is one of the primary forms of communication for today’s active businessperson, but there are certainly some challenges when you’re on the go. It’s not unusual to start an email on one device and save it as a draft to finish up later from your desktop. This productivity hack allows you to quickly jot […]

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